About Angela

Who is Angela Langer, MSW, LICSW?

I am a therapist specialized in helping high achieving adult women struggling with burnout and anxiety from spreading themselves too thin for too long.

Women who have been trying to be all things to all people, thinking “if I could just get this squared away, then I could focus on me.”

Women who struggle to ask for help, despite feeling the rage simmer beneath the overwhelm.

As women today, we still have to contend with gender bias, body objectification and shaming, lookism, and inequitable domestic and mental workload– all with the added weight of doing it perfectly or risk being canceled for making a mistake.

This pressure cooker of “not enough” or “too much” contains the main ingredients for: burnout, rage, depression, contempt, anxiety, isolation, fear, loneliness, exhaustion.

Women’s experiences are unique and layered, and each story is worthy of being heard. I am hear to listen and to be a guide.

How did you become a therapist?

As a wife and mother working in the corporate world, I had passed through many of life’s seasons as a woman.  I understood the pain of rejection, the trauma of loss, and the grief of transition.  And I knew the tenacity and perseverance it takes to raise a family while having the audacity to strive for professional goals.

I also began to learn what it’s like to seek meaning and opportunity in what society calls “failure.”

I wanted to help other women access that within themselves. I made it my mission to help women trust themselves and their experiences… and allow for their truths to guide them.

It’s time for you to put your needs first, and I am excited and honored to be a guide in your healing journey!

How will we work together?

It is important to my clients that they have flexibility in their meeting space, therefore I see clients virtually throughout Minnesota and in-person at my offices in Red Wing in the historic Pottery Place.

My work with clients is insight-oriented and solutions-focused, uncovering patterns and identifying emotions that lead to deep healing. We will often discuss the experiences you’ve had in childhood, with your family of origin, and in your relationships.

You should know that I am not a skills, tools, and homework therapist. When you work with me, you will focus on observation, reflection, and intention between sessions.

You will find me to be genuine, honest, and approachable. I am known to use dry humor when appropriate, and you will hear me curse at one point or another. You will feel safe enough to cry, and there is also almost always laughter.

You will likely feel pushed.  Clients tend to seek my services when they have developed enough insight to know that they need to have their defense mechanisms or “old strategies” challenged a bit.

What about your education and experience?

I received my master’s in social work degree (MSW) from the University of Southern California (USC) through their distance learning program when my three children were nine years old and younger.

In my first act, I worked in software marketing for over eleven years. Working in the corporate world provided me with personal experience on how women adapt and mold to the neurotypical, 9-5 hustle, and accepted sexism, just hoping to be taken seriously. It provides me with a unique lens when working with high achieving or entrepreneurial women in a corporate environment.

Now, I am a licensed therapist, coach, and speaker. I have been honored to support hundreds of women in going from chronic burnout to thriving in the life they love.

I specialize in working with motivated, bold, intelligent women just like you. I also know firsthand the internal pressures and external challenges that today’s women are presented with, and I help them face these challenges to reach their full potential.

You don’t have to do this alone anymore…

You have already tried everything on your own. You may have been to therapy in the past, and you use the skills.

You read, listen to podcasts, continue to learn. But you cannot educate yourself out of burnout!

How about unlearning?

I can help you start to unlearn what is no longer helpful to you and remove your roadblocks.

You have spent a lifetime dedicated to family, the stability of one job or occupation, or maybe to supporting the success of others as they reach their dreams– isn’t it time for you reach for yours?

Let’s find out what your second (or third) act will be! 

Contact me to schedule an exploratory call today.