Therapy for Children

Something has changed with your child, and it’s not just a phase.​    

Anxious, defiant, distracted, sad, impulsive or just not themselves

You try to create structure at home, but the rules are never followed.  Every request you make is either a fight or a time-consuming debate. It doesn’t seem worth it. You just do it yourself.

Tantrums, meltdowns, and big waves of emotions

This vicious cycle of overextending yourself in hopes of avoiding a tantrum, mounting resentment, then losing your temper, followed by feelings of guilt.  What can’t I stop yelling at my kid?  Maybe it’s time to consider therapy for children.

You feel stuck. 

Maybe your child has a continuous need for activity, constantly wanting your attention, and never staying focused on one thing long enough for you to get a break. You are depleted by their need for constant access to you. I just wish I could have an uninterrupted conversation with another adult!

Nightly homework doesn’t get done. Their grades have dropped and you’re concerned they are falling behind. I cannot do math for a three hour meltdown again tonight! What do I tell the teacher this time…..

Maybe your once smiling, happy child has grown to  seem cold and distant.  They appear to be interested in other kids, but are not making new friends.  They are so young. Maybe they just need more time.

Big Feelings in Little Bodies 

It is normal to worry when your toddler is struggling with sudden and unprovoked meltdowns that don’t seem to make sense. Acting out in daycare, or with other children. This behavior can be troubling to parents and scary to siblings.

Perhaps you are aware of a traumatic event and you want to get your child the help they need to process a divorce, move, loss of a loved one or pet, bullying or victim of abuse.

 If your child is going through something and you are not sure what to do, reach out to learn more about how therapy for children can help your family.

Being Super-Mom Isn’t Working.

“I know I would be more patient if I got more sleep, but when do I have time to sleep?”

You’re drained from endless nights spent with worry and fear, and days filled trying to predict your child’s behaviors- on top of all of your other roles and responsibilities. Life is completely exhausting when your child is struggling and you do not know how to help.

Countless emails and calls from the school asking for help that you don’t know how to give.  Feeling protective of your child, helpless….They keep asking me, I guess I should know the answer, how terrible of a parent am I?  I don’t even know what is going on with my child!

Asking your child how they feel never gets you a clear answer and most times seems to upset them even more. Your home hasn’t felt calm and relaxing for a long time. A quiet night with your family at home seems like an impossible dream at this point.

That judgmental voice inside is screaming at you to find a fix.

But nothing you’ve tried is working.  You’ve read all the parenting books, searched for all the best parenting sites, and even called family and friends for advice but nothing is getting better and you are running on empty. 

Every night you promise yourself that tomorrow you will react differently, and every day you break your promise. It’s getting harder and harder to trust yourself.

You don’t know what to do… or even where to start.

Reassurance from well-intentioned loved ones is nice, but the relief it provides is temporary and the advice is given to you.  Therapy can help because we can provide a safe place for your child

We’re here to help. This is where you begin…

Parenting is hard, and families are messy because they’re constantly changing. You are not superhuman and cannot be expected to always have the right answers.

Here’s how our therapist can help your child…

 Holding their confidence…

Your child will feel safe trusting their therapist with their most private feelings and thoughts. Unless immediate danger is suspected, you can enjoy a kid-free hour knowing your child’s best interest is our full priority.

Honoring their pain…

Pain is a natural part of life, and it doesn’t have to be suffered in silence. During therapy, your child will build confidence in their ability to name and understand their own feelings, as well as, find acceptance around discomfort. They will know when to cope and how to create change using their own voices.

Nurturing their progress…

It does take a village! Understanding your child’s needs, boundaries, and confidence has a huge impact on their success. Working with you, your family, their school, daycares, and even primary physicians is all part of the community effort in helping your child grow up living the happiest and healthiest life possible.

Improving their relationships…

Together with their therapist, your child will explore how connected they feel to the people around them. Family, friends, and even teachers have a vast impact on your child’s developing self-esteem. Whether your child is feeling unrecognized, isolated, ignored, abandoned, or targeted, they will be able to work with these emotions through discussion, art, reading, music, and writing activities. 

Your child will learn to understand that how they are feeling matters and people want to help. With confidence, your child will be able to voice their feelings, ask for help when needed, solve their own problems, and take pride in their differences.

Here’s how our therapist can help the parent…

As a parent, it becomes habitual for you to focus on everyone else before giving yourself the much-deserved time you need. This is how burnout happens. Suddenly, you can barely remember appointments, multiple to-do lists have no end in sight, and, as hard as you try, it never seems to be enough.

But it is enough. You can take breaks. It is possible. A Healthy you will have a positive influence on the support you give and the progress your child makes. 

At Foundations, we believe you are more than a caretaker for others; you are a person with needs. Together, we will challenge that voice that says: “I don’t have time” and “I feel guilty for putting myself first.” You will learn to validate yourself for the work you do, normalize the the areas you tell yourself aren’t good enough, and build patience when you struggle.

You will learn to take time for yourself, go for that 10 minute walk, take 30 seconds to catch your breath, that pizza is okay for dinner, and that it is OK for you to rest.

When you put yourself first, you will find yourself more present, focused, and able to relax… even if the “list” isn’t done.  You will learn about the difference it makes when your child sees you prioritizing yourself.

You’re not in this alone.

We are here to support you in creating something better.  Getting therapy for your child can help you declutter the chaos, feel more confident and enjoy life again —for yourself and your child.

Contact us now for a free 20-minute consultation. Together, we can discuss what isn’t working and how we can help!

You can also check out our What Parents Can Expect page to learn more about how parents can support their kiddos in therapy.