ADHD Support for Women

Finally ready to embrace your diverse brain?

Stop hiding who you are &
take off the mask for good

Everything is so overwhelming!

Why can’t I do the things I used to do?

Why does everything seem so noisy and distracting?

How can I finish anything when I’m constantly being interrupted?

How can I function in a world going so fast that my head’s always spinning?


It took so long to get where you are today, and after all the work you have done,

you still feel misunderstood………..

simultaneously underestimated and overloaded.

It seems like…

The older you get…

The busier life gets…

You just can’t keep up anymore.

Do you find yourself getting frustrated more and more?

Always procrastinating?

Noticing how things keep falling through the cracks?

You can’t help but wonder how you used to do it all!

From the work I do with women just like you every day, I created a workbook that provides 5 actionable steps you can take to begin to embrace your ADHD

Those regular “adult things” seem so easy for everyone else…

But you’ve probably asked yourself why you have so much trouble with them:

Opening mail, making appointments, grocery shopping, cooking (or even planning a meal!), cleaning… even brushing your teeth and showering can be hard, especially when you “lose track of time.”

“The damn gas light is on AGAIN – I swear I just filled it!”

Speaking of time: Is that a tricky one for you?

Telling time on a clock… overestimating or underestimating how long a task will take… trying to plan when to leave the house to get there on time…

“Why am I always 20 minutes early or 15 minutes late?”

Is it a challenge to “fit in” with others?

It’s hard when you struggle to participate in pleasantries, need extra time processing, and find it hard not to interrupt (if you wait, you might forget what you were going to say!).

“I am a fricking adult! What the hell am I doing?! Why can’t I get it together?”

Are your emotions all over the place?

Do you get bored in relationships?

Have you been called “hypersensitive” (by others or yourself)?

Do you take even the slightest constructive criticism as severe rejection?

Do you have “emotional blowups” because it’s hard to describe exactly what you’re feeling?

Download your free workbook 📖🗝️

Any of this sound familiar?

If so, you may have ADHD. Maybe you have been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, or even bipolar disorder, but the medications have never helped.

Let’s talk about it…

First of all, there’s nothing wrong with you!

ADHD is a brain that differs from the “typical” brain. The challenges you experience as a woman with ADHD are normal and expected. But what’s not normal are the messages you’ve received if you weren’t diagnosed and treated appropriately as a child – internalized messages about being “too much,” lazy, flighty, unmotivated, promiscuous, or even chaotic.

These messages are damaging, and they take internal work through therapy to undo.

For women, it’s even more complicated…

You have certain gender norms placed on you by society, and it can be hard to live up to those expectations. These pressures can turn into perfectionism and hyper-productivity.

These are tendencies you have to unlearn in therapy.

I get it. I’ve been there…

I wasn’t diagnosed until I was an adult with children.

But I’ve dealt with it personally and professionally at every level. That’s why I know how ADHD impacts every aspect of your life.

I know all about the confusion and shame in the ADHD gap – that space between knowing what you are capable of and seeing what you are actually doing.

I understand the importance of a correct diagnosis. Moreover, I know the importance of being seen, heard, and understood by a provider.

Okay. So… now what?

I can start to tell you about my theoretical orientation [insight-oriented, psychodynamic informed Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)], BUT…

You have read this far – so that tells me that you are invested, interested, and have stuff in your way.

I can help you with that.

In our work together, I will help you develop a solid understanding of ADHD and work to unlearn all the messages you have been told about yourself and who you are.

You will cultivate knowledge about your abilities and strengths… and where to implement those in your life.

Ultimately, it’s about embracing your unique brain!

Are you ready to un-mask?

Whether you already have a diagnosis of ADHD or suspect that you do, you do not need to wait to make changes.

No matter where you have been or where you are today, you can decide what life looks like next.

Learn how to embrace your diverse brain and have a fulfilling life as your true self!