Tired of feeling burnt out, overwhelmed & insecure?
End imposter syndrome and repair self-confidence.
Therapy for Girls and Women
In Minnesota
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Every area of your life feels burnt out.
Your passion for work has been replaced by resentment. You strived for perfection, telling yourself that once you achieved professional success, everything would be better.
But that hasn’t happened.
At home are reminders everywhere of how you are falling short. Doom piles of un-opened mail, cluttered counters, and the house is never clean. The cupboards are bare but the idea of getting groceries or planning a meal is painful.
Waiting for the “right time” to do everything has left you doing nothing, frozen with perfectionism.
The resistance you feel to keeping plans with friends and family leaves you canceling on them once again, but any temporary relief this offers quickly turns to guilt.
This isn’t the first time the burnout cycle has run you into the ground, but you’ve always been able to dig yourself out.

Slowly, surely, overwhelm creeps in.
Everything feels so urgent.
“How can I prioritize when it ALL needs to happen right now?”
Comparing yourself to others has become excruciating, making even the simplest decisions an exhausting task.
You try to calm yourself – “Just breathe.”
But the tension is still there. Jaw clenched, shoulders rigid, and a cynicism that has grown sharp enough to drive away even your closest friends.
The tightness in your chest and mounting irritability makes you want to scream.
“Keep it down!”
You hear yourself shout before you even realize what happened.
Laughter disappears, and shame washes over you. It’s finally quiet, but you feel terrible.
“A good mom wouldn’t lose it with her kids.”
Times have been tough before, but this feels different.
“I should be enjoying this time. I’m an educated, intelligent person. I can do this; I just need to try harder.”
Setting goals and reaching them is what you’ve always done. But for some reason, that feeling of achievement eludes you.
“Why can’t I just get it together?”
Your frustration turns to guilt.
“I am ruining my children and destroying my relationships.”
Guilt turns to hopelessness.
“Won’t I ever just be happy?”
Life doesn’t have to be this way.
It seems like constant work to maintain the relationships in our lives: spouses, children, friends, coworkers.
As women, we often put ourselves last, thinking that we will get around to taking care of our own needs if there is any extra time or energy left at the end of the day.
But the days turn into weeks, months, or even years that you spend time-famished, energy-starved, with no scraps for yourself.
You deserve more than leftover scraps.
It’s time to discover the roadblocks to getting your needs met.

Hi, I’m Angela.
I am so glad that you are here despite how overwhelmed you must be.
Because you are a woman, the expectation of sacrifice is present in every season of life and permeates every facet of your being. And it doesn’t ask for your consent.
At Foundations, we boldly focus on providing girls and women a safe container to do the deeply personal work required to heal and thrive in a society shamelessly entitled to our burnout.
Soon, you will break free from old patterns and renew your dreams by rediscovering what ignites you and trusting the inner wisdom you have been quieting for far too long.
If you are ready to heal and evolve, call us now for a free 20-minute consultation.
What We Offer
It’s time to focus on You!
Start learning about your values, ambitions, and how to reconnect with yourself so that you can strengthen your connections with others.
You can do this. We can help.
You’re already here – where do you want to go next?